Sunday, August 17, 2008

Experiment in Blogging!

Ok--so this is my first ever official blog! I have initially titled my blog as Girasole: Journey to Joy! Girsasole is Italian for sunflower. Both Italy and sunflowers (especially sunflowers in Italy) bring me joy. I will now list out my top 10 Joy List for today, August 17, 2008:

1. Kentucky: this is my home state and where I grew up. My home base, so to speak. When I think of KY, I am reminded of hospitality, community, family, southern cooking, friendliness, and bluegrass music which coincidentally---all bring me joy.

2. Family: both my family of origin and the family members that I choose for myself. Even though I believe that all families are dysfunctional (the nature of families), my family brings much joy to my life. This past summer, my parents celebrated their 40th wedding anniversay and instead of having a reception, they decided to invite my sisters and me and our respective partners to a beach house in Florida for one week. Now that was quite joyful!

3. Octagenerians: I find people in their 80's to be wise and brilliant, and they bring me joy. In particular, my grandparents bring me joy. I am incredibly forutnate to have all FOUR of my grandparents still living. (All live in KY--my home base. See #1). Granny, Bigdaddy, Gaga, and Poppy have taught me a lot about resilience, perspective, hard work, and love of family. Each set of my grandparents have been married for 63 years!

4--Green Olives: enough said!

5--Music: specifically artists that write and perform their own music. Music can bring joy to my soul like nothing else. On my i-tunes right now: Patty Griffin, Mary Chapin Carpenter, Carrie Newcomer, and The Nields. Note: for many years, I produced a series called the Acoustic City Concert Series here in St. Louis. While I have no musical talent myself, I derive great joy in organizing and presenting musical concerts. I am the co-founder of the St. Louis Folk Festival and even though, I do not present as many concerts as I did in the past--it is still a passion of mine that I am sure I will always carry with me.

6--College students: I am embarking on my 16th year working in student affairs at Washington University in St. Louis. I feel called to work with college students and love learning from them and with them. I am currently in the throes of Resident Advisor (RA) Training and am having a blast. On Thursday, 1432 new first year students will move on to the campus for orientation. I absolutely LOVE this time of year--so many possibilities, so many dreams coming true, and so many new dreams and goals to be pursued.

7--My cats! Willkie, Ashton, and Rosie are balls of white fur and unbelievable joy!

8--Italy: I have spent a total of approximately 13 weeks in Italy over 4 summers, and all aspects of this amazing country bring me joy: the food, the wine, the art, the people, the landscape! I dream of living in Italy during some part of my life.

9--Unexpected grace and wonder. I ate dinner with friends at a Chinese restaurant last night and my fortune cookie read: "When one door closes, another opens." Hmmmmmm.....

10--Turning in a paper a day early! I am in my 2nd semester of a PhD program; thus, I am constantly writing. What brings me joy is being in the groove and in flow with my writing!

What brings you joy???


Douglas said...

Jill, joy is such a wonderful thing about which to blog! I find joy sitting in perfect stillness, quieting my inner-chatter, and simply enjoying existence. I believe joy is accepting "what is" and seeing every circumstance as an opportunity to grow and learn. Fear is the opposite - the perception of lack. Today I found joy in an early morning bike ride through South City. As I pedaled through neighborhoods, I tried to experience the connection I call "oneness" in everyone I saw, including the elderly man peeking into a piano shop and the younger guy who called me names as I passed. The world is a wonderful, joyous place, providing endless lessons to love.

Unknown said...

Jill, thanks for inviting me to your blog. Kentucky makes me think of two of my favorite writers, who both bring me joy--and tears. I speak of Barbara Kingsolver and Wendell Berry.

For me, Mexico is the place that my heart points toward.

I also like the singer/songwriters you mention, especially Carrie. I'll never forget the first time I heard her, thanks to your phone call to the NYYM office....

Unknown said...

Wow Jill-
We have more in common than I thought! I'm from Ky., and love sunflowers and Italy as well. I actually have a sunflower tattoo. You have a great perspective on life, and that is so refreshing.
All the best,
Robin Selzer

Unknown said...

what brings me joy?? Hearing from old friends! Great to know you are doing well and enjoying life Jill!!! Keep blogging! xoxo, julie harris

Jill Stratton said...
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Jill Stratton said...

Thanks for your comments! This is a great experiment and reading what brings joy to others has been fantastic.

Douglas--your refletion reminds me of the power and beauty of the present moment. In such a busy, fast-paced culture. stillness and connection is a rarity. Thank you for reminding me to be aware of "oneness" in everyone I see. As the Quakers say--the light in every person.

Paul--I am also a huge fan of Barbara Kingsolver and Wendell Berry. I had the chance to meet Mr. Berry at the Festival of Faith in Louisville, KY a few years ago. Carrie Newcomer was invited to sing a prayer at a dinner at Owsley and Christy Brown honoring Wendell Berry. It was a joyous evening.

Robin--I did not know you were a fellow Kentuckian! That is awesome!

Julie---yes, hearing from old friends also brings me joy. Can you believe it has been over 15 years since we graduated from IU? Where has the time goine? I would love to catch up and connect. All the best!