Sunday, April 24, 2011

I Come From...

I come from the South—a product of a long line of Kentuckians. I come from Southern hospitality—a strong community—a legacy of love.

My grandparents will celebrate 66 years of marriage on May 15 of this year. My parents will celebrate 43 years of marriage on June 15. My other grandparents would have celebrated 66 years of April 1, but my granfather died in November of 2008.

I come from love.

I come from a place where you say hello when you meet someone on the sidewalk or in the aisle of the grocery store—even if you don’t really know them.

I come from a place that still says “yes sir” and “yes maam.”

I come from good Southern cooking—gravy and biscuits, green beans, and coconut cream pie…and the original Kentucky fried chicken.

I come from mystery—I don’t know exactly where I come from, and I know precisely where I come from.

I come from my past, my present, and my future.

I am not alone…I come from support, understanding, faith, hope, and love.

I come from doing the best I can with what I’ve got.

I come from generosity.

It is my hope that the foundation of who I am and where I have come from serves as a catalyst to contribute, to make a difference, and to return that love, support, understanding to others along the journey.

Life comes full circle and all that I am and all that I do and all that I have circles back to others. As Carrie Newcomer reminds me, “Love and kindness is all we ever leave behind.”

I come from love and kindness.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

What a wonderful post! Knowing where you come from is powerful as it most certainly shapes who you. Thanks for sharing this with us.