Saturday, December 31, 2011

Taking Time To Pause

"Everything important happens in the pause."
~Nilofer Merchant

Where and when do you pause? Most of us, including me, make “to-do” lists, but how many of us make “to-be” lists?

How do you want to walk in this world?

Pausing—sitting still—enables the “being” to occur. And yes, we are human beings, not human doings. I paused today while Drew was taking a nap. Little kids often pause through naps, and sometimes big kids do, too.

While Drew was napping, I went outside, stood on the back deck overlooking the creek and wooded area behind Merri and Kevin’s house, and paused. It was sunny with a blue sky and temperatures in the low 50s. I drank a good strong cup of ginger tea and soaked in the beauty of their backyard. It was lovely.

When Drew woke up, we went outside and ran in the backyard with Sally, the Corgi who lives next door. That was a pause from my typical routine. Perhaps a pause doesn’t necessarily have to be a silent occurrence. Maybe it can also be something that takes you out of your regular routine and causes you to savor the present moment.

Pausing to take in the wonder of the present moment whether you are meditating, bearing witness, soaking up nature, sipping a cup of tea, or running in the woods with your nephew is important and good and wonderful.

I look forward to pausing more often in the upcoming year. What about you?

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