I am reading a terrific book by Todd Kashdan called Curious? This is an excerpt from his website about the book:
"When we think about seeking daily joy and lasting fulfillment, cultivating curiosity is rarely the first thing that comes to mind but based on groundbreaking research, clinical psychologist and George Mason University professor Dr. Todd Kashdan will show you that this is the engine behind achieving a life that is most worth living."
I am curious about the origin of orchids.
I am curious about laughter and why as we age, we laugh less than when we were younger. Isn't life just one hilarious moment after another? If we can't laugh, then wouldn't we all cry?
I am curious about vocational calling and passion. How come some people are able to identify a calling and throw themselves into their vocation while others don't even begin the search?
I am curious about the role of technology in developing deep, meaningful relationships? Do social networks increase connection or do they detract from in-depth, authentic relationships?
I am curious about what people eat for breakfast on a daily basis and want to try some new things.
What are you curious about?
So glad to see you blogging again...
I'm curious about "flow," that state of seemingly timeless mind where artists create, writers write and singer sing. Does it come from the art itself, the mind of the creator or from a larger, deeper source of light and creation??
YAY Jill!! I am curious about how to cultivate curiosity both for myself and for my kids and the kids with whom I work.I do believe that curiosity may have killed the cat, but it makes a person happier and more engaged. I want to be even more curious.
As far as breakfast, my big discovery of late is frozen berries (are frozen berries?) I either mix frozen berries with plain yogurt and cereal like granola. OR I microwave the frozen berries and mix them in with oatmeal if I need a warmer start to my day. I also eat this as an afterdinner snack. It is delicious and a wonderful way to get all those great vitamins in the winter.
Or I just have half caff and triscuits!
Hi Steve---as you know, I love the concept of flow especially as it relates to college students. My hunch is that if they can identify what puts them in flow at an early age, then they will be happier (i.e. more fulfilled) and make positive contributions to society.
Katryna--thanks for the breakfast tips. I will definitely try out the frozen berries in yogurt and perhaps even in oatmeal. If all else fails, I will break into those triscuits! :+)
Curiosity with kids? >> An amazing way to connect and beneficial to everyone. Curious? is a great book for parents!
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