One of the things that brings me such joy is the opportunity to connect and reconnect with RA alumni. Over the last couple of weeks, I have had the great joy to reconnect with RA alums Stephen Sabin, Debbie Busler and Pat Woolley.
Stephen is currently a psychologist in San Francisco and was recently in St. Louis for a 48 hour trip to visit his family. I was lucky enough that he remembered my office phone number (which has not changed in the 15 years that I have been at Washington University.) He pulled the number out of his memory and called me randomly from Brookings Quad. I actually happened to be in my office and was delighted to see Stephen's name come up on caller ID. It was a lot of fun to spend some time with him and his brother Andrew.
Debbie and Pat were on my very first RA staff at Washington University during the 1993-1994 school year--Debbie on Umrath 2 and Pat on Umrath 3. Fifteen years later, they have been a couple ever since. They were in the US for a most joyous occasion: their wedding! They got married on Sept. 5 in San Francisco and made it all official (even though in their world view, their relationship had been "official" all along!)
I've been pondering having a HUGE RA alumni reunion in the very near future. Any takers???
I love the idea of a reunion. Congrats to Debbie and Pat!
Jill...It's hard to believe that you have been in St Louis 15 yrs. Seems you should still be at Transy. Thanks for the link to Baby Drew. Congratulations, Aunt Jill!
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