As I reflect on the past month, I am reminded of the following joys of August:
Time with my grandparents.
An auspicious RA Training: One WUrld, One Dream!
The spirit of the Olympics: One World, One Dream!
New life: the birth of John Nields-Duffy: August 23, 2008.
The hope of a new year: meeting my 10 frosh advisees, the KY frosh, 90 students in our Psych. 105 class, and many other new students: Welcome to Washington U!
The opportunity to team teach a course: The Psychology of Young Adult Development.
An unexpected gift from a colleague. The thoughtfulness truly touched my heart.
History and the audacity to hope.
Facebook! I have reconnected with many, many friends and that brings me joy.
As E.M. Forrester says, "Only connect."
As August comes to a close, I have a joyful heart and look forward to September and cooler weather.
What brought you joy in August??
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