Monday, March 5, 2012

I Am Learning...

I am learning that I am not in charge of the universe. In fact, I have a plaque hanging in my office that says: "Resign as general manager of the universe." And I actually resign every night and then reappoint myself first thing in the morning. I am learning that a permanent resignation from this post would serve the universe and me quite well.

I am learning everyday that I am not perfect. That all of humanity is human and so am I. I am learning to be gentle with myself and others knowing that how I treat others is how I treat myself and how I treat myself is how I treat others.

I am learning that riding the waves—the highest waves—is a lot of fun and very exhilarating. But it also requires an enormous amount of energy.

I am learning that I am not as physically strong as I want to be in order to ride multiple waves.

I am learning that I grow a lot in the valley, but I don’t want to spend a great deal of time there.

I am learning that the middle ground is a good place to be. Feeling grounded and comfortable in my own skin is something that I do not take for granted.

I am learning to breathe in love and compassion and breathe out kindness and light.

I am learning that I love the concept of meditation but that I don’t know exactly how to do it—and that’s ok. I hear that meditation is a practice and that it takes practice.

I have heard that it takes 21 days to cultivate a habit.

What are the habits that I want to cultivate?

Habits of the heart
Habits of the mind
Habits of connection
Habits of joy
Habits of love

I am learning to savor the good stuff and not to ruminate on the negative stuff. Focusing on the positive and the possible opens up my heart.

And I am learning that cultivating these habits of the heart day by day is a practice that I want to focus on every day for the rest of my life.

1 comment:

nisa qais said...

Jill, this post touched me deeply. It is so powerful, I can relate to it as if it were about me.

Thank you for sharing.