Sunday, September 14, 2008

A Joyous Occasion

Last Saturday, I attended the wedding of two fabulous people: Tom Borcher and Valerie Louis. Tom was a senior at Transylvania University when I was a freshman. He and I have stayed in touch for these last 20 years, and it was an honor to be included in his wedding.

Tom has always struck me as such a thoughtful, compassionate, brilliant, and loyal person. Throughout the last 20 years, he has continued to demonstrate his dedication to his friends and family, his service to the community, and his kindness and generosity to all whom he encounters.

I met Valerie for the first time in January when I was in Cincinnati for my doctoral residency. I liked her immediately. Her passion, her commitment to social justice, her direct style of communication, her loyalty to her family, and her intelligence really impressed me. And she was just really fun to be around.

Their wedding ceremony reflected these collective values--this merging of two unique people with vastly different backgrounds. Even though their backgrounds and family histories may be different, their common beliefs and values knit their heart and souls together in such a magnificent way.

It was a joy to share in this occasion with them and to read a passage about beauty in the ceremony--because Tom and Valerie exemplify two beautiful souls joined together by strength, light, and love.

1 comment:

Valerie said...

Jill...Thank you for your kind words! It was great to be with you! Hope all is well...Valerie